My Portfolio

Showcase of my projects and my learnings so far...

August 4, 2023

GitHub API App

GitHub API App is Mobile Application developed in React Native. It is cross platform meaning supported in both the platform Android as well as Ios. This app provides the searchbar, using which one can search any Github profiles and it provides list of followers and following of that Github profile. You can also get details information on each profiles.

July 7, 2023

Weather App

Weather App is Mobile Application developed in React Native. It is cross platform meaning supported in both the platform Android as well as Ios. This Weather App gives the weather of Newyork city. API that has been used to retrieve weather network is added in footer. User can zoomIn the map given and app will detect that locations and by tapping Reload button it will update the weather with that region. It will provide the forcasted data of weather for next one week.

May 10, 2020

Players Lobby

Players Lobby is full Stack project where front end is developed in React and backend is developed using NodeJS (Express framework) and database is saved in MongoDB. I have used postman for database testing purpose. As shown in video, in this web application we can perform CRUD operations where one can add, update, delete and search players from current list.

March 20, 2020

Management System

Inventory Management System is basically business model project, where we are creating inventory management system for convenience store. We are using java and google cloud SQL technologies to develop this project where user can manage inventory, place a new order, track selling items, generate a graph and charts from weekly sells moreover database is stored in google cloud so this web application will not be machine bound. User can access information from anywhere at anytime.

March 10, 2020

Chat room

Chat room Application is project where more then two people can join togather on server and chat to each other.Moreover one can see who has join the chat room as well as who is leaving. I have used library to accomplish this task. It was all about learning new library and expore the new technologies.

February 20, 2020

Todo Notes

Node and Express framework Project where you can create, Update and Delete notes.
